- Pressure Radio appreciates that the majority of chatters contribute to this community in a positive manor; however there are always those that go too far or wish to spoil it for others. Therefore we have put these simple rules in place.
- Contributions must be civil and tasteful.
- You may not submit any defamatory or illegal material of any nature in pressure Chat room. This includes text, graphics, video, programs or audio. we will NOT tolerate mentions or links to illegal download sites we only support legal download.
- No disruptive, offensive or abusive behaviour: contributions must be constructive and polite, not mean-spirited or contributed with the intention of causing trouble.
- No unlawful or objectionable content: unlawful, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, racially offensive or otherwise objectionable material is not acceptable.
- If you use multiple logins for the purpose of disrupting the community or annoying other users you may have action taken against your accounts.
- No inappropriate (e.g. vulgar, offensive etc) user names or content.
- Be patient and welcoming when new people enter the Pressure chat room please bare in mind they are new and won’t be aware of current conversations. I’m sure they will appreciate a welcome note and to made to feel part of the room.
- Although we welcome and indeed Encourage chatters from all over the world for the sake of continuity we prefer the use of the English Language to be the core language in the chat room. Please therefore appreciate that English may not be the chatters first language so please be patient.
- No spamming or off-topic material: we will not tolerate spamming of any services in competition with Pressure Radio (e.g. other stations)
- No FLOODING of TEXT or EMOTIONS as this can cause issues for other users or even the DJ, if anyone is over using the emotions (smiles) then they may be kicked or banned from the room by the moderator for the sake of others.
- Although we actively encourage feedback from listeners please appreciate that our DJ’s and moderators maybe busy so please be patient when waiting for an answer.
- We advise that you never reveal any personal information about yourself or anyone else (for example: telephone number, home address or email address), and please do not include postal addresses of any kind. You may seek advice from the host moderator or Pressure DJ.
- If you are under 16 Please get a parent’s or guardian’s permission before entering the Pressure chat room.
- The views expressed in the Pressure chat room are those of members of the public and are not necessarily those of Pressure Radio.
- If you breach these Terms of Use: If you fail to abide by these Rules then you will be kicked out of the room, banned or a complaint filed to your internet service provider.