Afronaut . Alvaro Hylander . Andy Ward . ATFC . Atjazz
Dave Storm . Dean Smith . Deep Josh . DeepCitySoul . DJP
Gavin Peters . Glenn Thornton . Kev Beadle . Mad Mats .
Neil Pierce . pete Dafeet . Phil Asher . Schooly . Sean McCabe
Soul Renegades . Spoony . Timmy Vegas . Wookie . Ziggy Funk
LIVE – Dawn Tallman & Colonel Red
A Deeper Groove, Adam Turner, Andy Roberts, Blackwax, Dan Kelly, DJ Tony, DJ Semi, Fidias Abellan,
Frank Ainsworth, Gary Ward, Goran Starcevic, HD aka Marc, iain Willis, Jeff Garcia, Jimmy Ellis
Maik Pederson, Miles Numan, Miloe, Nef padilla, nita Funk, Patric Smoove, Paul Griff, Paul Groove
Peter Oakden, Richie Barthez, Sean Quinn, Sergi Erizzo, Shaun Samuel, Si Sutton, Silvia Zaragoza
Snoopy, The Brother C, Walter Daphunk, Widenski. More flyers with more names to follow.
13 – 15th September Including Pressure Radio 10th Birthday celebration.
Stay Locked to Pressure and Subscribe to the Vocal Booth Weekender website for further announcements.