Hello there you lovely lot..Once again I have a great guest mix for you this week from Andy Ward…last weeks show got some great feedback (as I expected ) and this weeks show is even better (can I say that.? well even Andy said that too..he did Buttnaked proud to say the least)…again I would like to thank Andy for standing in for me till my regular return…be sure to check the show out next week as it will be Andy’s final Buttnaked session ..it’s gonna be BIG…
Andy Ward
High Quality Download @ http://www.djiainwillis.com/andy-ward-pt-2-buttnaked-may-18th-2014/
you can contact Andy @ www.djandyward.net/
feel free to get in touch with me
Twitter @djiainwillis
or e-mail me at djiainwillis.hotmail.com
Also available free and subscribe to via ITunes http://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/dj-iain-willis-podcast-feed/id519498550